Thursday, 3 December 2015

These Are Venereal Diseases That You Can “Pick up” Even Without Having Sexual Relations, and Here is How!

Terrible but true is the fact that you do not have to have sexual relation to get a sexually transmitted disease.

Gynecologist Alissa Dveck from New York and author of the book ‘V is for Vagina’ revealed all the hidden viruses.

  • HPV

Although in recent times we hear more and more about HPV, many people still do not know that this virus can be transmitted even without sexual relation. “HPV is transmitted through skin, whether you touch a nipple or the area that surrounds it,” says Dveck.

HPV comes in various forms, some of which can cause genital warts, while others may result in pre-cancerous lesions. It does not even have to be in the form of wart to be infected with HIV, because the virus can spread even before it has spread in the body.

“Warts can sometimes occur in other parts of the body, such as fingers,” says Dveck. Although warts can be removed, for example by freezing, or by cutting, and further the virus can remain in the body, and periodically be activated.

  • Molluscum Contagiosum

Although it sounds like something out of Harry Potter, Molluscum contagiosum are far from it. Although technically it is about a virus infection, and not a sexual-transmitted disease, Dveck notes that the increased the number of women who have increased bumps with craters on the genitals, rather than on other parts of the body.

Molluscum is usually transmitted through the skin or even beds in solariums. Although lumps are not painful, once you get one they can spread, why you should be concerned.

“The virus itself will disappear, and the bumps can be removed. But if are frozen, they can be sent for analysis to a laboratory, “says Dveck. The positive thing is that once you get rid of the virus, the infection usually does not return.
  • Trichomoniasis

This disease is not very well known, but it is worth to hear something about it because the virus can survive on inanimate object rather long after it has touched someone infected. It can occur in the form of vaginal infection, with malodorous discharge and itching and irritation.

“It may be transferred with things like dirty towel or unwashed vibrator,” says Dveck.

Although there is no exact information how long the virus can survive, Dveck explains that it is unlikely to become infected by touching objects a few weeks after it was touched by people with trichomoniasis.

Fortunately, it can be easily cured with antibiotics.
  • Herpes

This is often the first infection that people think about when sexually transmitted diseases are mentioned. Therefore, it is quite alarming the discovery that it can be transferred otherwise. “Herpes can be transmitted by kissing or sharing dirty razors or unwashed dishes, though there is a fairly low risk,” said Dveck.

Although there are two types of herpes, HSV-1 and HSV-2, gynecologists do not make great differences among them. HSV-1 was considered oral and HSV-2 genital type, but today the difference is less important than before. “Apart from the fact that the type 1 usually does not come back, while type 2 is more often repeated, both types can occur anywhere on the body,” says Dveck.

Although herpes may be asymptomatic, wound around the mouth is a sure sign of a viral infection, the wound on the genitals can only indicate herpes. And while doctors know how to cure the symptoms, there is not yet a cure against the virus.

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