Posted in: ik osakioduwa , Relationship Articles , romantic flowers

When you are in a relationship, whether married or yet to be, the easiest way to keep the love and romance alive is to keep looking for ways to make the other person happy. Even if you don't get it right all the time, the fact that you are making efforts to do so goes a long way to show that you care and appreciate your spouse or partner. And in my personal experience, I have found that often, it is those little things that are the most important when it comes to laying a foundation of love and sweet memories in your relationship.
It starts with asking yourself, “What can I do for her/him?” For instance, the other day, I had almost back to back meetings that started at 7am. I took the first one at home since it was via Skype, but then had only an hour between that and another which I needed to be at work for because it was a face to face meeting.
Atala kindly offered to drive me to the bus station, and I was able to shave half an hour from my commute and make my meeting in time. That gesture is one I wouldn't forget in a hurry, and made me appreciate and love him the more. So what are the little ways you can shoow your lover that you really care? Read on!
1. Say it!
This is where words like Thank you, Please, excuse me, sorry, I love you, I need you, I miss you, You look great, you're awesome, you're brilliant, and such like come in. Use them honestly, but use them unsparingly and generously. You'll be amazed and how much smoother and easier it will make the communication between you two, both in lighter and deeper stuff.
2. Freshen your romance with flowers.
Some like it, some love it, and some can live without it, but no one can deny that flowers are inextricably tied up with romance these days. No matter how corny or cliche, you can rarely go wrong with flowers. And ladies, flowers are not just for us, you can also get some for your men too. Make sure you know what type your partner loves, and then pair the gift of flowers with a sweet note.
In a recent video talking about what men want, IK Osakioduwa talks about wanting a woman that shows him she cares and bringing out his emotional side. He recounted how his wife turned him into mushy showoff when she sent him flowers while she was away on vacation. You may say this is not that big a deal, but the fact that it happened sometime ago, he shared the photos on social media and he's still talking about it tells me something.
3. Give them a break!
This is mostly for the guys, but women listen up too. The world is such a rat race these days and we're all trying to keep up. Whether it is the man who works all hours and is the sole breadwinner, or the woman who takes care of the home and wrangles three to five children on her own, or just the couple that do it together, going out to work and sharing home-making duties.
At the end of the day, we all deserve a break and a vacation may not be due or may be too far away. Don't wait for the other person to suggest or treat you. Take the initiative and make the first move. Book a weekend staycation for two in a local hotel, make an appointment for a massage for him, or tell her to put her feet up while you wrangle the kids for a change. They'll never forget it.
What other ways do you have to keep the love fires burning in your relationship? Share in the comments!

When you are in a relationship, whether married or yet to be, the easiest way to keep the love and romance alive is to keep looking for ways to make the other person happy. Even if you don't get it right all the time, the fact that you are making efforts to do so goes a long way to show that you care and appreciate your spouse or partner. And in my personal experience, I have found that often, it is those little things that are the most important when it comes to laying a foundation of love and sweet memories in your relationship.
It starts with asking yourself, “What can I do for her/him?” For instance, the other day, I had almost back to back meetings that started at 7am. I took the first one at home since it was via Skype, but then had only an hour between that and another which I needed to be at work for because it was a face to face meeting.
Atala kindly offered to drive me to the bus station, and I was able to shave half an hour from my commute and make my meeting in time. That gesture is one I wouldn't forget in a hurry, and made me appreciate and love him the more. So what are the little ways you can shoow your lover that you really care? Read on!
1. Say it!
This is where words like Thank you, Please, excuse me, sorry, I love you, I need you, I miss you, You look great, you're awesome, you're brilliant, and such like come in. Use them honestly, but use them unsparingly and generously. You'll be amazed and how much smoother and easier it will make the communication between you two, both in lighter and deeper stuff.
2. Freshen your romance with flowers.
Some like it, some love it, and some can live without it, but no one can deny that flowers are inextricably tied up with romance these days. No matter how corny or cliche, you can rarely go wrong with flowers. And ladies, flowers are not just for us, you can also get some for your men too. Make sure you know what type your partner loves, and then pair the gift of flowers with a sweet note.
In a recent video talking about what men want, IK Osakioduwa talks about wanting a woman that shows him she cares and bringing out his emotional side. He recounted how his wife turned him into mushy showoff when she sent him flowers while she was away on vacation. You may say this is not that big a deal, but the fact that it happened sometime ago, he shared the photos on social media and he's still talking about it tells me something.
3. Give them a break!
This is mostly for the guys, but women listen up too. The world is such a rat race these days and we're all trying to keep up. Whether it is the man who works all hours and is the sole breadwinner, or the woman who takes care of the home and wrangles three to five children on her own, or just the couple that do it together, going out to work and sharing home-making duties.
At the end of the day, we all deserve a break and a vacation may not be due or may be too far away. Don't wait for the other person to suggest or treat you. Take the initiative and make the first move. Book a weekend staycation for two in a local hotel, make an appointment for a massage for him, or tell her to put her feet up while you wrangle the kids for a change. They'll never forget it.
What other ways do you have to keep the love fires burning in your relationship? Share in the comments!
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