Wednesday 11 March 2015

Irate US Pastor Blasts Tons Of Pop Stars | Claiming They Are Preparing People For The Anti-Christ

We’ll grant he’s old so maybe he doesn’t get the new trend the world’s taken now. Per his idea half the world’s musicians are the devil’s spawn, paving the way for his eventual conquering of this world.

A bunch of John The Baptists.
A pastor in Tennesee gave this sermon which has since gone viral, in which he read lyrics from a Katy Perry song, claims she has sold her soul to the devil, and then made the bold declaration that teens are rejecting the gospel now because of pop music promoting female sexuality.

“They’re going after our youth, they’re going after our young people…they want to prepare a generation that would embrace the AntiChrist, no questions asked”

He claimed Perry’s ET, is actually a song about having a physical relationship with the devil. He was referring to parts of the hook which goes…

“Take me, take me, wanna be a victim, ready for abduction. Boy, you’re an alien, your touch so foreign. It’s supernatural, extraterrestrial.

He wasn’t ending there; his hit list also included Lady Gaga, Madonna, and Miley Cyrus.

So if you’re a big fan of any of these, you should fear for your soul. For those like me, who adore all four; we’re pretty much screwed.

Of course, that’s if you buy into all that he’s saying. Me? I don’t see how you can adore a God who condones slavery, genocide, and human sacrifice; but then you draw the line at indecent exposure?

Let’s give the devil a break.

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